Mark Preston & Carl Beech's

Freedom & Justice Partnership

Leveraging philanthropy, partnerships and technology to bring education and inclusion to the child miners of DRC

FJP Origins 

In April 2024, following senior and long-standing careers in the not-for-profit sector, Mark Preston and Carl Beech travelled independently and self-funded to Kolwezi on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

They gained remarkable access to an artisanal cobalt and copper mine. At great personal risk, they were able to capture footage and images of hundreds of men, women and children mining cobalt and copper.

They have a vision to make known the plight of these children, to help companies improve supply chain integrity, and to deploy philanthropy and technology to support improved conditions and opportunities for artisanal mining communities.

Mark Preston and Carl Beech in Kolwezi

Cobalt mining in the DRC


How can I donate?

You can donate here

Where does my donation go?

There is a huge amount of work to do, including returning to DRC to explore the best ways we can help and to meet with potential partners. We've already made a significant financial investment and we would be grateful for any help that you can give us

Who founded the Freedom and Justice Partnership and why?

In April 2024, following senior and long-standing careers in the not-for-profit sector, Mark Preston and Carl Beech travelled independently and self-funded to Kolwezi on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). They gained remarkable access to an artisanal cobalt and copper mine. They were able to capture footage and images of hundreds of men, women and children mining cobalt and copper. They have a vision to make known the plight of these children, to help companies improve supply chain integrity, and to deploy philanthropy and technology to support improved conditions and opportunities for artisanal mining communities.

Are you a charity?

FJP is in the process of applying for charitable status with the UK Charity Commission.


Helping the children in DRC who presently mine cobalt into schooling.

Furthermore we will educate policy makers, corporates and the general public regarding the plight of these children and the global supply chain flaws which allow artisanal mining to persist. 

How can I get involved?

The team is building towards charity status and are looking for partnerhsips, funding and support. You can get involved via the Contact Us page or donate here.


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